The Sales Scenario Planning Model Template
You might already build revenue plans, but how can you see whether your business can stand up to shifting markets, changing buyer habits and reducing demand? Strategic thinking comes from testing multiple hypotheses, and asking and trying what-if across lots of different situations, and this is where scemaroop
Thanks to this free spreadsheet model, you can scenario test your capacity plans, using the same data inputs that you'll no-doubt have already used in Clevenue's Ultimate Sales Capacity Planning Spreadsheet.
A different approach to predicting the future than revenue forecasting, this helps you predict revenue with a bottom-up sales capacity snapshot approach. Test to see what happens to your team needs and revenue projections if data points start changing fast, using it as another starting point for your sales capacity planning.
Get started with revenue scenario analysis and grab the sheet today.

Our free scenario testing spreadsheet is both free to download into Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel and super easy to use, and can give you the confidence to make the tough decisions, that land your sales team revenue where it needs to be.
Getting started is easy:
Using the template

1. Add your current performance into the table
Simply add your data into the yellow boxes, the spreadsheet will do the rest.
Typical rule of thumb with any of Clevenue's template - If it's yellow chuck in some data, if it's not probably leave it be!
The scenario tester can only handle 1 market - Any more than than and it becomes difficult within a spreadsheet to do effectively. If you have more than 1 market you might want to find a more robust approach...
2. Navigate to a scenario
You can add up to 5 different roles, with their base and their quotas, with the minimum amount of commision paid on deals also set. If will already calculate the variable (bonus) giving you the OTE - You can also see how much of the total comms is made up of variable.

3. Add your scenario Data
Your business scenarios are built off % changes to current performance.
Sense test what happens if deal sizes decrease by 18% or if conversions increase by 5%. Using the scenarios, you can sense test strategic decisions and their projected impact.
Everything from modelling seasonal patterns to pricing changes can be done in the sheet, with different scenarios modelled across each of your data tabs.
Be mindful that these do not account for the ability for your teams to deliver these figures, and so you'll need far more complex models to both interrogate these scenarios and understand how they play out over time.

Download it for free
Discover Clevenue
Scenario planning in Clevenue will leave you questioning why you haven't moved out of spreadsheets sooner, with the ability to create a common shared baseline of current performance against plan that everyone can work from.
Everyone across the business from RevOps & Finance through to the C-Level exec team can quickly and easily understand the impact of every decision or environmental factor that could hit the business. No more asking "what if" to have a team go away and model what "that would look like", instead you can have answers in seconds.

Understand the impact to revenue of individuals leaving the business, freezing or deferring hiring or pouring more money into marketing - Not every decision has the desired outcome, and Clevenue can help surface the cause and effects of the impacts the business faces, helping you to re-route your path to goal successfully.
Understanding the effects of performance changes like changing sales cycle lengths, conversion rates or deal sizes, learning how that affects the capacities of the people in your team and the knock on effect that it can have to your revenue oputputs, and where that leaves you vs. goal. Clevenue helps to proactively suggest who you should be hiring and when to close the gap, making the act of creating a winning strategy easier than ever before.

Scenario planning has never been so quick, easy and collaborative, and can transform the way that your board room conversations unfold. Learn more about how Clevenue can evolve your approach to revenue planning today.